Sunday, June 18, 2017

Buy Today - Divorcees, Barmaids, and Cranks: The 1897 Red River Valley Baseball League

Paperback - $13.95 plus applicable tax/shipping.

Available TODAY at:

·   Hjemkomst Center Gift Shop - 202 1st Ave. N., Mhd

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Top 10 Things to Discover in Divorcees, Barmaids, and Cranks
  1. Bizarre team nicknames - find out the story behind Divorcees and Barmaids
  2. Generally normal individuals acting crazily
  3. Gambling, violence, and foul language - and the resulting scandal
  4. The challenges of baseball unique to the time period - (hint: umpires and fielders had a tough time)
  5. The color barrier's impact on the league
  6. People you never knew had any connection to baseball
  7. People you never knew had any connection to the Red River Valley
  8. The life of a minor league baseball player at the turn of the 19th Century
  9. The economics of minor league baseball, specifically in North Dakota and Minnesota
  10. A story never told before in as much detail or with as much passion
Some facts about the book:
Size - 5.5" x 8.5" 
Format - Paperback / eBook 
Pages - 204

Jeff Bozovsky is a Fargo native and member of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR). He is a graduate of North Dakota State University, where he earned bachelor's degrees in History and in Social Science Education.